My Story

I was born and raised in Minnesota and graduated from Moorhead State College. For seven years, I worked as a speech therapist in the public schools in northern Minnesota and in Olympia, Washington. Working with children who had moderate to severe communication challenges taught me how important it is for all of us to listen and respond to each other.  

I then worked as an Accounts Payable and Payroll Clerk, eventually becoming a Payroll Supervisor and earning a Certificate in Accounting from Pacific Lutheran University. I worked in the financial arena for seventeen years.

My husband and I raised our daughter, Becca, in Washington State. After my husband passed away in 2013, I followed my daughter when she came to work in Cleveland Heights as a teacher and purchased my home in the Noble area in 2014.

I have always believed in public service and giving my time to help others in my community, and I brought that value with me to Cleveland Heights. Soon after moving here, I became a member and volunteer of the Noble Elementary PTA. I served on the Cleveland Heights Citizen Advisory Committee, on the Greater Cleveland Congregation Cleveland Heights Housing Team, on the Heights Friends of Immigrants’ Strategic Planning Committee, as an Immigration Court observer, and as a member of the Heights Ed Coalition. I am also an active member of the Forest Hill Church and currently serve as a deacon.

When I got involved with the League of Women Voters, I joined their CH-UH Chapter Leadership Team and became one of their City Council observers. I remember when I attended my first Cleveland Heights City Council meeting. I listened to the issues being discussed and the problems that Council was trying to tackle. I cared about the outcomes and what factors the Council members considered when shaping their decision making. I paid attention to how the Council worked together, how members spoke to each other, and how the conversations were facilitated. 

I knew I could contribute. So, when a Council seat needed to be filled in early 2022, I thought, Why not? I applied and was chosen to be appointed.

Since being appointed and subsequently being elected to retain the seat, I have worked hard to find solutions to issues brought forward by residents like you; to collaborate with my colleagues, the mayor, and citizen groups to help our City reach its goals; and to be respectful, diligent, and responsive in everything I do—from reviewing proposed legislation from the administration and asking important questions to listening to our citizens with compassion and care.

I am honored to serve you as your representative and advocate. I would be equally honored to earn your vote to continue to serve our city for another four years.