Organization Endorsements

  • Cuyahoga County Progressive Caucus

  • Cleveland Building & Construction Trades Council

  • International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 38

  • More to come . . .

    It’s early in the election season.

Citizen Endorsements

  • Anne Caruso

    Gail Larson conducts herself with respect, responsibility, and intelligence on our City Council. She listens to all sides and helps clarify and unite for solutions. I’m grateful we have a councilperson working for what’s best for our community.

  • Peggy Spaeth

    Gail Larson and I are from the same generation, and we know how vital it is for each of us to be actively involved in our community. I'm impressed that as a League of Women Voters volunteer, she attended hours of Council meetings and then decided to serve as an elected official. Gail is collaborative, grounded, and responsive. She shares the values of our collective community—I am particularly pleased that she shares my desire for a greener Heights.

  • Josie Moore

    What I value most about Gail Larson as our City Council member is that she is not a politician. She is a public servant. Gail is unwavering in her values and principles. While she understands the complexity of governance and the necessity of compromise in democracy, she never loses sight of her raison d'être: service to her community and working toward a Cleveland Heights that is responsive to its residents’ needs, concerns, and hopes for our shared future.

  • Nadiyah Freeman

    Gail Larson has been an active and devoted member of our PTA at Noble Elementary School for many years. She is typically one of the first to volunteer for our school events and she is consistent with attending our meetings and sharing relevant community information. Because of her concern for the safety of our students and families, as well as the residents on the streets surrounding our school, she was able to advocate for improved traffic calming measures in the area. So far, this has resulted in two school community meetings with the mayor and the installment of a new stop sign. I appreciate Gail so much, not just because of all of her service to our community, but also because she's just a great human! She's always positive and encouraging, and her kindness is so refreshing—and so needed!

Add Your Name to Show Your Support for Re-Electing Gail Larson for City Council.

Excited about Gail continuing her work on City Council for an inclusive, sustainable Cleveland Heights?

Then add your name and tell us why you support Gail and want to see her re-elected!